In 2017, Alhurra launched Exiting ISIS, a documentary series in which ISIS defectors provide first-hand accounts of what life was like as a member of the terrorist organization. It documented why ISIS militants joined the armed group and ultimately decided to escape. The series revealed the extremist group’s entrenched culture of deception, intimidation, cruelty, drug-use, and sexual abuse.
Through rare interviews, the 13-part series told the stories of former ISIS members who provide unique insights into life in the Islamic State. Defectors showed ISIS’s hypocrisy as it captivates its followers with the promise of a global Muslim caliphate. They provided revelatory details about how foreign fighters were recruited; how they traveled to Iraq and Syria to join the fight; and how women were forced to torture other women who have transgressed by singing, listening to music, dressing with insufficient modesty, or leaving their homes without a male escort.
In each episode, Exiting ISIS provided insightful testimonials of deserters denouncing ISIS’s lies, its false promises, its cult of violence and death, and its widespread corruption and inequality. It communicates the fear and terror felt by those trapped under ISIS rule. By detailing their experiences, the defectors believe that they will reveal the truth about ISIS and discourage future potential recruits from joining.
The series won a Bronze Medal at the 2017 New York Festivals International TV and Film Awards.
Leila Bazzi, Executive Producer
Pierre Jad, Director
George Chewah, Researcher and Field Producer
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